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"Cookie Dance" on iTunes – http://bit.ly/190vOp8

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Chip Chocolate in "Cookie Dance" The Music Video

Produced By: Les Professionnels & Selfish Entertainment
(Daniel Reizes, Drew Kramer, Christopher Schor, Dan Moses, and Lee Levin)

In Association with Mosquitobiceps, Mandoses Films and Woodall Films

Produced, Directed and Edited by: Lee Levin

Director of Photography: Changku a.k.a. Oscar Lobo

Music Produced by Les Professionnels

Mixed by Drew Taurisano (East Room Recording)

Mastered by Brian Gardner (Big Bass Brian)

Special Thanks to Gliss, Erin Bodine, Sammy Zweben, Susan Seaforth Hayes, Carolina D’Lacoste, Karmic Casting

DeStorm Power – http://youtube.com/user/DeStorm
Jenna Marbles – http://youtube.com/user/JennaMarbles
Allen Forrest – http://facebook.com/MrAllenForrest

Check Out:

Les Prof – http://youtube.com/lesprof
Gliss – http://youtube.com/YoungGlissTV
Selfish Entertainment – http://selfishentertainment.com
Mosquitobiceps – http://bit.ly/1dqxe0P
Mandoses Films – http://mandoses.com
Woodall Films – http://woodallfilms.com



Chip Chocolate
Cookies, cookies, cookies, cookies (SAAN!)
Cookies, cookies, cookies

Do the cookie dance, do the cookie dance (SAAN!)
Do the cookie dance, do the cookie dance (dance, dance)
Do the cookie dance, do the cookie dance (SAAN!)
Do the cookie dance, do the cookie dance (dance, dance)

[Verse 1: Chip Chocolate]
Welcome to mi casa, come see how I’m livin’
Me and Mrs. Fields wakin’ bakin’ in the kitchen
And we call that batch Alyssa, you know we love Milano’s
If you need some while you dance, we can get ’em to you pronto
See my Cookie Monster chain rocks a monster cookie chain,
Cookies in my IV flowin’ through my veins
Goin’ ham, got these batches bakin’ by the gram
I’mma make ’em dance, throw these cookies like they bands

Hands up, hands down
Put the cookie in the milk, twirl it all around


[Verse 2: Chip Chocolate]
Big whip, outside cookie
Inside dip, that’s milk, rookie
See this batter in a bowl man, that’s cookie sushi
See these battered chicks I roll with, they cookie groupies
When I die bury me up on Pepperidge Farm,
With a four sided cookie that’s my lucky charm
P-Pop the cookie, I’m sweatin’
Double stuffed so I’m flexin’
I’m eatin’ Samoas from coast to coast, scream dope fresh if you reppin’,
All about my chips, all about my dough
Take one to the head, now it’s time to go
Cause I’m all about my chips, all about my dough
If you like ’em like I like ’em, well grab one and hit the floor

[Hook + Bridge + Hook]

Om nom nom
Cookies, I love cookies so much
Cookies for breakfast, cookies for lunch
(Your mom makes the best cookies)
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Cookie Dance – Chip Chocolate

Cookie Dance est le titre de la chanson hip hop de Chip Chocolate, un nouveau chanteur qui joue l’auto-dérision dans un clip mettant à l’honneur le célèbre gâteau aux pépites de chocolat. Un hit viral qui n’est pas arrivé tout seul… Ce rappeur ne vous dit rien ? Il s’agit en réalité de Wellens du célèbre couple PrankvsPrank, souvenez-vous il publiait des vidéos dans lesquelles il faisait des blagues à sa petite amie et inversement. Aujourd’hui il se lance dans la musique parodique et ça lui réussit plutôt bien car il vient tout juste de rentrer dans le Top 20 des chansons hip hop sur iTunes aux États-Unis. Do the cookie dance !

Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies part 1


Here is a great recipe for Chew Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.

1 c butter, softened
1 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 c quick-cooking oats
1/2 c to 1 c walnuts, chopped
1 c chocolate chips

Chewy Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies part 2


Here is a great recipe for Chew Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies.

1 c butter, softened
1 c brown sugar
1/2 c white sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/4 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 c quick-cooking oats
1/2 c to 1 c walnuts, chopped
1 c chocolate chips